Sunday, June 24, 2012

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mickey Mouse spotted on Mercury

Mickey Mouse face on planet mercury :)

Link to

Link to

Obama loses youth, Ron Paul has the base

It's up to the youth vote to decide the 2012 election now.

About 5 million young people are saying they may not all in 2012

Illuminati and Conspiracy Theory

 Bavarian illuminati source

 We all have heard of the secret society called "illuminati" , and by now there are questions to be asked, questions like;

Who are the illuminati?

Do they seek world domination?

Do they control the freemasons?

Are they good or evil?

Illuminati logo

Illuminati & paranoid conspiracy theorists

The Game of Conspiracy

Illuminati Defector

Order of the illuminated "Wise Men"